Wood and Canvas
theatrEurope organised together with the OISTAT Architecture and Technology Commissions a conference called
“Wood and Canvas (and rabbit glue) in the Modern World”
in Antwerp, Belgium, from 12th to 15th June of 2014.
Bourla Theatre, Antwerp
coStA, Antwerp
Theatre Royale de la Monnaie, Brussels
The theme of the conference was to suggest ideas and methodologies so that old wooden stage machinery can be put to use in modern theatre productions. Rather than seeing this equipment as obsolete and falling completely out of use, we believe that ways can be found to revive these extremely flexible systems. All that we are lacking is creative ideas. Hence this conference.
Wood and Canvas was both Academic and Practical; each day included presentations of papers regarding old stage machinery as well as hands-on experience using wooden stage machinery.
The wood and canvas (and rabbit glue) conference has been organized by:
Peter McKinnon
Jerome Maeckelbergh
Ivo Kersmaekers
Reinhold Daberto
James McKernan
Chris Van Goethem
Harry Cole
Crowdfunding campain
Wood and Canvas was supported by companies and educational institutes, but also by a lot of individual supporters through a crowd funding campain.
In total 124 donations brought together 7940,77 € to make it happen.